User opinions

Opinions that currently have at least one checkbox checked.

1 Most joined party
1 995
2 Me is so sexy. Me is sexiest.
1 3
3 Hitler did nothing wrong
1 3
I don't know what Hubspot is and I don't care
Topix needs to be revived
"Life does not stop and start at your convenience, you miserable piece of sh*t." (c)
The author of the opinion "This site is stupid" is stupid.
Site work perfect!
The left Twix stick tastes better.
Trump is an idiot
Snakes are very neat
Facebook sucks.
To the top !
Vote if you think you are better than others.
Beta Nu-males Supremacy, Funko pop Nation Unite !!!! Soylent Gods !!!! Reddit Nation !!! Star wars !!!
Whipped Cream Cheese > Regular Cream Cheese
This website is a failure.
Make America Great Again
Hubspot is the best CRM
I'm a Great Cornholio!
I love REDDIT :)
We should as a planet glass the middle east
Sentimentator is a great idea!
Carbohydrates are just a vehicle for flavour. Bread needs fillings for a sandwich, pasta needs sauce, rice needs toppings.
Kamala sucks!!!
US politics are lame
Scientia potentia est
Star Trek is the best movie of all time
Sex is cool
Entropy is needed
I love chupa chups!!!
Socialism is better than capitalism!
Trump idiot
I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.
Donnie Trump is an idiot
I am the smartest and most beautiful
Hubspot is actually not that great and is overpriced
no one is the main character bro
Hitler did nothing wrong
I have too much free time
I am the DUDE
This site is stupid.
Make America Great Again
Among us
These other opinions are too political!
KFC better than McDonald's
Capitalism bad